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当前位置 首页 爱情片 《微小完美事物的地图 The Map of Tiny Perfect Things》

微小完美事物的地图 The Map of Tiny Perfect Things5.0

类型:爱情片 爱情  美国  2021 

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主演:凯瑟琳·纽顿 凯尔·艾伦 约什·汉密尔顿 艾尔·马德里加尔 克莱奥·弗 


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he Map of Tiny Perfect Things tells the story of quick-witted teen Mark, contentedly living the same day in an endless loop whose world is turned upside-down when he meets mysterious Margaret also stuck in the time loop. Mark and Margaret form a magnetic partnership, setting out to find all the tiny things that make that one day perfect. What follows is a love story with a fantastical twist, as the two struggle to figure out how – and whether – to escape their never-ending day



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